Urban Winery

Architects & Developers night at the Urban Winery – Entertainment Quarter, Moore Park

Our Architectural and Residential team, along with Smeg and Parisi, our sponsors, hosted a fantastic night this month at the Urban Winery.

We hosted over 150 guests, including Architects from Turner Studio, Scott Carver, Nettleton Tribe, AJ+C, and our Developers included Catalyst Design, Fraser Property, and Meriton, to name a few. Guests enjoyed a rustic feast of home-made bread, seafood, antipasto platters and lamb.

Wines included Urban Wineries’ own selection of blends from their award-winning wines all hand crafted on-site in the Urban Winery facility. While guests mingled amongst the wine barrels, they were treated to amusing caricatures from the guys at Cartoon Kingdom as music from The Jets played in the background. It was a fantastic night; we felt as if our guest had been transported to the vineyards of NSW for the night.

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