HNC Proud Sponsors of the Queers in Property 'Winterface Pride' Event 2024.

Queers in Property is an independent network, connecting LGBTIQ+ people in the property and construction industry.

This Winterface Pride Party was held In honour of Pride Month, celebrating diversity in design and architecture, showcasing impactful interior projects while fostering collaboration and creativity among LGBT interior designers and architects

The night allowed us to network in a very welcoming and fun environment with high-end Consultants, Real Estate Agents, Architects, Designers, Developers, and Government departments. Guests included representatives from Woods Bagot, Bates Smart, SJB, Frasers Property, Stockland, Lend Lease, and many more.

Our good friend and client of 15 years, Mark Ojascastro, Principal of Plus Architecture and one of the organisers, spontaneously invited our Architectural Rep, Wendy Scott, to speak on behalf of HNC. Wendy was greeted with a grand applause, as most in the room knew her – a testament to her recognition in the industry. Also in attendance to support this fantastic event was Rico Ungaro from SMEG.